Today much of the world population was glued to their television sets to watch as a handsome prince married his beloved beautiful princess -- the basic right of the Fourth Chakra, to love and be loved.
Seems very simple. But we all know the tragic end of the other royal wedding of thirty years ago. Love doesn't always turn out the way we intend. So often, the promises made with such fervor, are somehow lost along the way.
But our deep longing for love, relationship, and intimacy, is what seizes our collective psyche, and makes us watch, makes us long for the young couple, so full of hope and promise, to succeed.
Second Chakra stirs our emotions and our loins. The energy of Svadhisthana (sweetness) is about desire and pleasure. Fourth Chakra is a whole other world. Here we must be very brave. Here we risk knowing the other and ourselves through (as Joseph Campbell called it) the ordeal of marriage (or committed relationship). This is a journey to the heart of the Self and we act as mirror for the other as we go. Here we must be vulnerable, we must trust and open and heal the wounds of the heart, finding through its mazes and mysteries the talent of the Fourth Chakra: Compassion.